Our Mission
Betting big on students with the will to change the world.
It all starts with the idea
Our Origins
Who are the technology leaders of tomorrow? Today, they are unknown. We believe ambitious students hidden in the nooks and crannies of educational institutions across the nation, have ideas on the chalkboard waiting to be coalesced into ideas that provide value to the world.
Our Process
Chalk Venture Capital funds ideas and companies at every stage (with
a particular emphasis on seed and early), where the only requirement
is that the underlying technology is the engine for growth and the
leadership team is composed of student-founders.
We look for ideas and research with wide-reaching implications at
the edge of what is believed to be possible. We are long-term
thinkers, and we understand the time horizon for these ideas to come
to fruition may be a long and tumultuous path.
The first step is submitting an application for investment. Once
submitted, the application will be reviewed internally, where if
accepted, a partner will follow up with a request to meet with the
founders. At this point, a custom timeline would be produced
specific to each application and required due diligence, but would
end by a final vote by the investment team.
Beyond financing, companies and teams that pass through the
intensive vetting process will gain access to our platform,
resources, and network.
Our Goal
Chalk hopes to empower the minds that define our generation, providing them with unparalleled resources to execute their vision. For the brilliant technologist, entrepreneur, visionary, or inventor, we want to help.